Weight Loss

Unlock a life of improved well-being and renewed vitality. Whether you’re just beginning your weight loss journey or you’re looking for a little boost, semaglutide therapy could be your turning point. Take that step towards a healthier, happier you. Our treatment plan can:

Accelerate weight loss

Regulate blood sugar levels

Control and curb appetite

Reduce blood pressure and cholestrol

Lower your risk of cardiovascular events

Increase your confidence

How We Can Help

At Aion Wellness, we’re committed to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. Along with your therapy, your provider will recommend diet and lifestyle changes in order to maximize your treatment’s effectiveness.

Book your first consultation for free and see if semaglutide or tirzepatide therapy is right for you!

Therapy Options





Once per week
$300 per month
Once per week
$600 per month

Frequently Asked Questions

Semaglutide is a medication designed to help with weight loss. It’s a weekly injection that mimics a natural hormone, GLP-1, which controls appetite and blood sugar. By reducing hunger and increasing fullness, it aids in calorie reduction. Clinical trials have shown significant weight loss when used with diet and exercise.

Semaglutide has demonstrated safety in clinical trials when used as prescribed. However, like any medication
there may be potential side effects. It is important to have open and regular communication with your provide to discuss any concerns.

Weight loss with semaglutide varies among individuals. Clinical trials have shown significant weight loss, but results depend on factors like adherence to the treatment plan and lifestyle changes.

The duration of therapy can vary depending on individual weight management goals and healthcare provider recommendations. It is often used for several months to achieve initial weight loss, and then decisions are made on maintenance therapy.

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